Meet Information
Meet Fees Entry Fee:100.00 per school
Payments Riverdale High Track 802 Warrior Drive
We would like to extend your team an invitation to participate in the 2022 Early Bird Championship Track Meet, which will be held at Riverdale High School. Coaches Need to Submit TSSAA Roster to Jessica Rigby / or Coach Rickey Field /, Coaches ,Admirations and Teacher ,will be admitted with Teacher ID Badges, All Buses need to be Park in Front Of Gym to Unload and all Cars in Parking Lot.
Coaches' Meeting 9:00 am
Team Meeting at 9:30 am
Field Events Begin at 10:00 am and 12:00pm All Running Begin at 12 pm
Award For Top Four Teams And Individual Awards for the top eight places
Admission: 5.00 dollars, CDC Guidelines , and Concession will be available
Deadline For Entries March 22nd at 6pm
If you have any questions you may contact me at the following:
Riverdale High school 615-890-6450 EXT -23544
Home: 615-890-3775
Office -615-890-6450EXT-23544
Registration help: