Stratford Home Meet 2021

Nashville, TN

Meet Information

Stratford Home Meet is located at Stratford High School, 1800 Stratford Ave, Nashville, TN 37216 and open to the following teams: Stratford, Station Camp, Macon County, Portland, and Gallatin, Merrol Hyde, and Republic. 

We are at max capacity for number of schools. 

Important!: Prior to coming to the meet on respective days, coaches should monitor for elevated temperatures of 100.4 or above. Also, any issues of COVID symptoms including: chills, vomiting, new cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, new loss of taste and/or smell... Athletes experiencing any of these symptoms are not allowed to be at the meet. 

Parking: Parking is allowed in large lot next to track or on side of road on Marsden Ave. (opposite side of large school parking lot).

Restrooms: Restrooms should be up and running at track facility. Water Fountains should not be used!

Masks: Masks should be worn when not preparing to, or actually, participating in an event. Metro requires masks for anyone not preparing for or participating in an event at that moment. Spectators should have a mask as well. 

Social distancing should be maintained between teams on an ongoing basis as much as possible throughout the meet. 

Meet Schedule: 

Coaches Meeting 3:30 @ the Finish Line 

Meet starts at 4:00 both days.

Tuesday April 6th @ 4:00PM - Field Events & 3200 Final & Hurdles 


Girls Long Jump followed by Boys Long Jump

Guys High Jump followed by Girls High Jump

Girls Triple Jump followed by Guys Triple - *AFTER ALL LONG JUMP*

Guys Shot Put followed by Girls Shot Put

Girls Discus followed by Guys Discus 

Girls followed by Guys

 100/110 Hurdles


300 Hurdles 

3200 - Unlimited Entries 

Hurdles - 4 entries for guys & 4 entries for girls per school. 

High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Put, & Discus  - 6 entries for Guys & 6 Entries for Girls per school


Athletes will have 3 attempts.

Thursday April 8th  @ 4:00 PM - Running Events

1600 - Unlimited Entries

800 - 6 entries for Guys & 6 for Girls per school

100, 200, 400 - 4 entries for Guys & 4 for Girls per school.

Relay - 2 teams