Meet Information
This meet is now full. More teams may be considered as we get closer to the date due to Covid-19. Coaches can email Coach Hickerson at to be added to the waiting list should a team cancel.
There will be a school fee of $50.00 for this meet. There will be a $5.00 admission for adults. Checks should be made out to Dickson County High School.
Limited concessions will be available. Spectators will be allowed and must bring their own seating. Admission will be $5.00 per adult
This 1/2 Meet will have the following events:
Shot Put and Discus will begin at 4:30pm
Running Events 5:15pm All running event times are approximate.
100/110 Hurdles-5:15pm
800 meter run-5:30pm
100 meter dash-5:50pm
4x200 relay-6:15pm
1600 meter run-6:40pm
Co-Ed 4x400 relay-7:15pm