Meet Information
Meet Fee $100 .00 dollar per school , Meet Begin at 10:00 am ,Coaches Meeting am 9:30 am, and Team Meeting at 9:45 am.
CDC Requirement
Admission $ 5:00 dollars , Concession will be available , Team Roster TSSAA need to be Sent to Jessica Rigsby , , all Teams will Check in at the Check -In Gate , all Buses need to Park in Front of Gym , all Cars in Gym Parking Lot, Coaches , Administration and Teacher will gain entry with Teacher ID Badge
We would like to extend your team an invitation to participate in the 2022 Riverdale Relays Sponsor by B and B Awards
Order of Relay Events 4x1600 4x100 W/M ,4x100 Big Ladies and Big Men Relay ( For Throwers Only) and 4x800 Sprint Medley 100,100,200,and 400 ,Distance Medley 400,400,800 and 1200, 4x200 800m Medley 200,200,400,and 400 and 4x400 Field Events order Events 100 ,200 and 300 meter dash and Thrower 100 Meter ,and Relays ,Field Events ,High Jump ,Long Jump ,Pole Vault , Shot and Discus
Deadline posted on April 6th 2022
Registration help: