Meet Information
Meet will take place at Sango Elementary School, 3585 Sango Rd., Clarksville, Tn.
Password is: wildcats
$40.00 per school team (boys & girls are separate teams)) or $10.00 individual; $5.00 parking per car, coaches, and CMCSS employees with badge no charge.
Schedule of Events
7:00 AM Coaches meeting
3 Mile Run
7:30 AM High School Boys Varsity & JV
8:00 AM HS Girls Varsity & JV
2 Mile Run
8:45 AM MS Boys
9:15 AM MS Girls
Top three teams; medals to top five runners. Awards will be mailed (no ceremony)
Once each event is completed runners and attendants can leave immediately.
Due to COVID-19, temperatures and CMCSS paperwork need to fill out by all coaches on all their athletes the morning of the event.
Attendants' temperature will be taken at the entrance.
Athletes and attendants should be wearing a mask if they are not socially distancing from each other.
Runners will not wear a mask while participating in the event.
Social distancing to at least 6 feet should be maintained at all times.
No hugging, shaking hands, or fist bumps for support/encouragement.
Staggered or intervals will be used at the starting line.