Meet Information
This registration is ONLY for TSSAA Division 1 Large Schools in REGION 6 Championship on Thursday, Oct. 24th.
Meet will be held at Percy Warner Steeplechase Course (same as State meet site)
Region 6, Div.1 Large School GIRLS at NOON
Region 6, Div.1 Large School BOYS at 12:40pm
An All-Comers JV race will be available but not officially timed/scored (Starting Time 2:40) - in the afternoon for boys and girls (coaches need to get athletes times in this JV race)
DEADLINE FOR ENTRY IS Monday, October 21st at Noon (Central time)
A team enters 7 athletes for the meet. If your team qualifies for the state meet, the entries at the time of the region meet start will be advanced to the state meet database. Substitutions may be made after the deadline - it is expected that your entries at the deadline will only change if you are waiting on an illness decision or a last second switch due to injury. You would contact if there is a chance that you will make a substitution (we want to be aware of what might be coming).
1- MOST TIME SENSITIVE since they are being mailed! REGION ENTRY FEES!
Boys Entry fee $70, Girls Entry fee $70 (1 athlete or 10 athletes is a full $70 entry fee)
Make checks payable to: REGION XC
Mail checks to: REGION XC, 2551 Stinson Road, Nashville, TN 37214 (mail no later than Monday, Oct.7 to ensure arrival prior to the entry fee deadline of Friday, Oct.11 at midnight - Late fees will start on Tuesday, Oct.22nd)
2- ONLINE ENTRIES - enter online (you are here) by Noon on Monday, Oct. 21st
Meet will be held at Percy Warner Steeplechase Course (same as State meet site)
Region 6, Div.1 Large School GIRLS at NOON
Region 6, Div.1 Large School BOYS at 12:40pm
An All-Comers JV race will be available but not officially timed/scored (Starting Time 2:40) - in the afternoon for boys and girls (coaches need to get athletes times in this JV race)
DEADLINE FOR ENTRY IS Monday, October 21st at Noon (Central time)
A team enters 7 athletes for the meet. If your team qualifies for the state meet, the entries at the time of the region meet start will be advanced to the state meet database. Substitutions may be made after the deadline - it is expected that your entries at the deadline will only change if you are waiting on an illness decision or a last second switch due to injury. You would contact if there is a chance that you will make a substitution (we want to be aware of what might be coming).
1- MOST TIME SENSITIVE since they are being mailed! REGION ENTRY FEES!
Boys Entry fee $70, Girls Entry fee $70 (1 athlete or 10 athletes is a full $70 entry fee)
Make checks payable to: REGION XC
Mail checks to: REGION XC, 2551 Stinson Road, Nashville, TN 37214 (mail no later than Monday, Oct.7 to ensure arrival prior to the entry fee deadline of Friday, Oct.11 at midnight - Late fees will start on Tuesday, Oct.22nd)
2- ONLINE ENTRIES - enter online (you are here) by Noon on Monday, Oct. 21st