Meet Information
Rossview Invitational
September 29, 2019
Kowalski Farm
1721 Merrywood Drive
Clarksville, TN 37043
Meet Fees: $80.00 Boys and Girls Varsity (unlimited runners)/$50.00 per gender team
$80.00 Boys and Girls Middle School Teams (unlimited runners)/$50.00 per gender team
$10.00 per individual (Middle & High School)
$5.00 Elementary - Race Day Registration $10.00
$5.00 Parking Fee/Coaches, Buses and any CMCSS Employee badge free
Payments Make Payable to: Rossview Cross Country
Rossview High School Attn. Jodi Ranallo
1237 Rossview Road, Clarksville, TN 37043
Will accept race day checks
Meet Schedule:
7:00 - Gate Opens
7:00 - Course Walk Through
8:30 - Coaches Meeting
8:50 - National Anthem
9:00 - High School Boys 5K (Varsity & JV)
9:30 - High School Girls 5K (Varsity & JV)
10:15 - Middle School Boys & Girls Combined Race (2 miles)
10:20 - High School Team Awards
10:35 - Elementary Race
10:45 - Open Race (Adults)
10:55 - Middle School Awards
Fine Design T-shirts will be sold. **Cash or
Awards: Team Trophies
Low number of teams only 1 team
Individual Awards to top 25 High School;Top 7 Middle School and Top 10 Elementary Competitors
Coach Michelle Carter/ 931-553-2070 ext 2144