Chattanooga, TN

Complete Results Updated

RaceTab by MileSplit/FloSports                 Sonja Mullins, CCS

                Red Bank 2 - 4/4/2017 4:53:36 PM                 
                    Red Bank High School, ,                      

                    Varsity Girls Pole Vault                     
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 Murfee Jones          11 Girls Preparatory Sc  9-06.00     10
  2 Nicola van der Merwe   8 Girls Preparatory Sc  7-00.00      8
  3 Clarissa Oliva        11 Red Bank High School  7-00.00      6
  4 ahnna skelly          12 Red Bank High School  6-06.00      5

                     Varsity Boys Pole Vault                     
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 Cole Seely            11 Red Bank High School  8-06.00     10
  2 Brown Hayes            9 McCallie School       8-06.00      8
  3 Chad Nash             12 Collegedale Academy   8-06.00      6
  4 Justin Moore          10 Collegedale Academy   8-06.00      5
  5 Matthew Norris        10 Red Bank High School  8-00.00      4
  6 Anderson White         9 McCallie School       8-00.00      3
  7 Jack Patton            9 McCallie School       7-06.00      2

                     Varsity Girls Discus Throw                     
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark H#   Pts
  1 Megan Golden           9 Boyd Buchanan High S   267-06   1    10
  2 Chloe Haren           12 Girls Preparatory Sc    81-04   2     8
  3 Ashley Russell        12 Chattanooga Central     79-05   2     6
  4 Nyla Whiteside        10 East Ridge High Scho    77-00   2     5
  5 Dakayla Parker        11 Chatt. School for th    76-04   2     4
  6 Cheyenne Fugate       11 Chattanooga Christia    72-09   2     3
  7 Destiny Wilbanks      11 East Ridge High Scho    71-05   2     2
  8 Crista Watts           9 Chattanooga Central     69-10   2     1
  9 Janiya Smith             Red Bank High School    65-04   1      
 10 Kindall Espy          10 Tyner Academy           63-06   2      
 11 Lucille Schmidt        9 Red Bank High School    63-02   2      
 12 Tamara Evans          10 Chattanooga Christia    62-07   2      
 13 Delaynie France       10 Chattanooga Central     61-08   2      
 14 Olivia Hoodenpyle      9 Girls Preparatory Sc    60-05   1      
 15 Deyonna Lansden        9 Chatt. School for th    60-02   1      
 16 Jahkira Dozier        10 East Ridge High Scho    59-02   1      
 17 Rionna Bins            9 Girls Preparatory Sc    55-05   1      
 18 JeLiia Pierce          9 Chattanooga Christia    53-09   2      
 19 Kennedy Gales         10 Tyner Academy           47-03   1      
 20 Kristen Pearson        9 Boyd Buchanan High S    46-04   1      
 21 Madeline Mansfield     9 Red Bank High School    43-03   1      
 22 Emily McCutcheon       9 Boyd Buchanan High S    41-03   1      
scr Rykiedra Finley       11 Brainerd High School       ND   1      
scr Keichemriya Jones     10 Brainerd High School       ND   1      
scr Kenisha Price         12 Brainerd High School       ND   1      

                     Varsity Boys Discus Throw                      
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark H#   Pts
  1 Patrick Ramey         12 McCallie School        117-10   2    10
  2 Brad Baker            12 Chattanooga Christia   104-02   2     8
  3 Adam Smith             9 McCallie School        100-03   2     6
  4 Charlie Winchester    11 McCallie School        100-00   2     5
  5 Seth Turney           11 Chattanooga Christia    98-05   2     4
  6 Noah Page             12 Chattanooga Central     97-09   2     3
  7 Jymon Scott           11 Chatt. School for th    96-03   1     2
  8 Alex Houser           10 Howard School of Aca    92-07   2     1
  9 Hayden Lakin          11 Chattanooga Central     91-03   2      
 10 Tyler Guidry          10 Chattanooga Central     89-03   2      
 11 George Hutchinson     10 Chattanooga Christia    85-01   1      
 12 Issac Frye            11 Chatt. School for th    83-02   2      
 13 Jeremiah Welch        11 Red Bank High School    81-04   1      
 14 Tedarius Covington    12 Howard School of Aca    75-02   1      
 15 Jamicheal Wilson      10 Brainerd High School    75-01   1      
 16 Sidney Stallworth     10 Brainerd High School    72-09   1      
 17 Nicholas Moran        12 CSTHEA Patriots High    67-08   1      
 18 Jacob Yu              12 Boyd Buchanan High S    64-10   1      
 19 Chris Peace           12 Howard School of Aca    62-02   1      
scr Raley Hendrix          9 Chatt. School for th       ND   1      

                     Varsity Girls High Jump                     
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 Cassie Curry          12 Chattanooga Christia  4-10.00     10
  2 Allison Lockhart       9 Girls Preparatory Sc  4-08.00      8
  3 Rachel Geissler       12 Chattanooga Christia  4-08.00      6
  4 Lennex Walker         12 Chatt. School for th  4-08.00      5
  5 Emily Morrison        10 Girls Preparatory Sc  4-06.00      4
  6 Bri'Shonda Robinson   12 Brainerd High School  4-04.00      3
  7 Summer Jones           9 Chattanooga Christia  4-02.00      2

                     Varsity Boys High Jump                      
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 Tyrese Starling       12 Tyner Academy         6-00.00     10
  2 Calvin Jackson        10 Red Bank High School  5-10.00      8
  3 joseph Norwood        11 Brainerd High School  5-08.00      5
  3 Jordan Perkins         9 Chattanooga Christia  5-08.00      5
  3 Hakim McMorris        12 McCallie School       5-08.00      5
  6 Ti Thomas              9 McCallie School       5-06.00      3
  7 Tripp Butler          11 McCallie School       5-06.00      2

                       Varsity Girls Shot Put                       
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark H#   Pts
  1 Ashley Russell        12 Chattanooga Central  29-00.20   2    10
  2 Keichemriya Jones     10 Brainerd High School 28-07.00   2     8
  3 Lucille Schmidt        9 Red Bank High School 28-01.00   2     6
  4 Destiny Wilbanks      11 East Ridge High Scho 27-03.00   2     5
  5 Chloe Haren           12 Girls Preparatory Sc 27-02.00   2     4
  6 Jahkira Dozier        10 East Ridge High Scho 26-05.00   2     3
  7 Crista Watts           9 Chattanooga Central  26-03.00   1     2
  8 Dakayla Parker        11 Chatt. School for th 25-09.00   2     1
  9 Cheyenne Fugate       11 Chattanooga Christia 25-04.50   1      
 10 Nyla Whiteside        10 East Ridge High Scho 25-02.00   2      
 11 Janiya Smith             Red Bank High School 24-04.00   1      
 12 Kennedy Gales         10 Tyner Academy        24-01.00   1      
 13 Nia Houston           11 Chatt. School for th 22-05.50   1      
 14 Tamara Evans          10 Chattanooga Christia 22-00.90   2      
 15 JeLiia Pierce          9 Chattanooga Christia 21-11.50   1      
 16 Tyra Bell              9 Brainerd High School 21-04.00   1      
 17 Ebony Boston          11 Chatt. School for th 20-10.50   1      
 18 Rionna Bins            9 Girls Preparatory Sc 20-07.50   1      
 19 Olivia Hoodenpyle      9 Girls Preparatory Sc 19-11.00   1      
 20 Madeline Mansfield     9 Red Bank High School 18-09.00   1      
 21 Alexis Hrinik          9 CSTHEA Patriots High 16-02.50   1      
scr Rykiedra Finley       11 Brainerd High School       ND   2      
scr Jade Hardaway         11 Chattanooga Central        ND   2      
scr Chloe Jenkins         11 CSTHEA Patriots High       ND   2      

                       Varsity Boys Shot Put                        
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark H#   Pts
  1 Alex Houser           10 Howard School of Aca 43-02.50   2    10
  2 Josiah Sneller        11 Chattanooga Christia 42-10.00   2     8
  3 Noah Page             12 Chattanooga Central  40-11.00   2     6
  4 Adam Smith             9 McCallie School      40-10.50   2     5
  5 Jamicheal Wilson      10 Brainerd High School 40-07.00   2     4
  6 Patrick Ramey         12 McCallie School      39-00.50   2     3
  7 Charlie Winchester    11 McCallie School      37-07.00   2     2
  8 Hayden Lakin          11 Chattanooga Central  37-05.00   2     1
  9 Michael Nelson        11 Chattanooga Christia 37-00.50   2      
 10 Deondre Chambliss     12 East Ridge High Scho 36-10.50   2      
 11 Tracey Justice        11 Chatt. School for th 35-01.50   1      
 12 Mondo Ellison         10 Chattanooga Christia 34-08.00   1      
 13 Darian Smith          11 East Ridge High Scho 33-04.00   2      
 14 Tedarius Covington    12 Howard School of Aca 32-00.00   1      
 15 Sidney Stallworth     10 Brainerd High School 31-02.00   1      
scr Nicholas Moran        12 CSTHEA Patriots High 30-05.00   1      
 16 Jeremiah Welch        11 Red Bank High School 29-00.00   1      
 17 Raley Hendrix          9 Chatt. School for th 23-03.50   1      
 18 Samuel Little         11 Chattanooga Central  18-00.00   1      
scr Ben Burroughs          9 CSTHEA Patriots High       ND   1      
scr Tawon Billups         10 Howard School of Aca       ND   1      

                         Varsity Girls Long Jump                          
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark  Wind H#   Pts
  1 Kimbra Dunning        10 Red Bank High School 16-02.25    NWI  2    10
  2 Lennex Walker         12 Chatt. School for th 16-00.25    NWI  2     8
  3 Jayla Stone           12 East Ridge High Scho 14-02.50    NWI  2     6
  4 Laura Beth Turner      9 Chattanooga Christia 14-01.50    NWI  2     5
  5 Andrea van der Merwe  11 Girls Preparatory Sc 13-10.75    NWI  2     4
  6 Deyonna Lansden        9 Chatt. School for th 13-09.50    NWI  1     3
  7 Lilly Sparks           9 Chattanooga Christia 13-04.25    NWI  1     2
  8 Lamiah Walker          8 Chatt. School for th 13-03.50    NWI  1     1
  9 Taylor Brooks         12 Chattanooga Christia 12-03.25    NWI  2      
 10 Monique Baker         11 East Ridge High Scho 12-00.00    NWI  1      
 11 Kylie Eiselstein      10 Girls Preparatory Sc 11-10.75    NWI  2      
 12 Jenna Woodall          9 South Pittsburg High 11-08.00    NWI  1      
 13 Aubree Traylor         9 Chattanooga Central  10-06.25    NWI  2      
scr Courtney Widdows      10 Boyd Buchanan High S       ND    NWI  1      
scr Lilli McDaniel         9 Chattanooga Central        ND    NWI  1      
scr Kayla Dong             9 South Pittsburg High       ND    NWI  1      
 nd Nena Spurgeon          9 South Pittsburg High       ND    NWI  1      
scr Emily Morrison        10 Girls Preparatory Sc       ND    NWI  2      

                          Varsity Boys Long Jump                          
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark  Wind H#   Pts
  1 joseph Norwood        11 Brainerd High School 20-11.50    NWI  1    10
  2 Tyrese Starling       12 Tyner Academy        19-06.25    NWI  3     8
  3 Ryan Farlett          12 Chattanooga Christia 19-02.75    NWI  3     6
  4 Josiah High           11 Chatt. School for th 18-09.25    NWI  3   4.5
  4 Devin Duncan          11 Red Bank High School 18-09.25    NWI  3   4.5
  6 Jack Stimart          12 Chattanooga Christia 18-04.75    NWI  3     3
  7 Tripp Butler          11 McCallie School      17-09.75    NWI  3     2
  8 Darrius Herring       12 Chatt. School for th 17-08.50    NWI  1     1
  9 Curtavian Whisnant     9 South Pittsburg High 17-07.50    NWI  2      
 10 Tawon Billups         10 Howard School of Aca 16-10.75    NWI  2      
 11 Devaontay Smith       11 Howard School of Aca 16-09.75    NWI  2      
 12 Calvin Jackson        10 Red Bank High School 16-09.00    NWI  1      
 13 Tucker Kelley          9 South Pittsburg High 16-05.75    NWI  3      
 14 Michael Black          9 Chattanooga Christia 16-05.00    NWI  3      
 15 DeAndre Anderson      12 Chattanooga Central  16-04.50    NWI  1      
 16 Kashai Hemphill       10 Tyner Academy        16-00.25    NWI  2      
 17 Anthony Gladden       12 Tyner Academy        15-04.00    NWI  2      
 18 Victor Hall           10 East Ridge High Scho 12-08.25    NWI  2      
 nd Ian Brown             11 Boyd Buchanan High S       ND    NWI  1      
scr Deaunta Hale          10 Brainerd High School       ND    NWI  1      
scr Darrius Boyer         12 Chatt. School for th       ND    NWI  1      
scr JaVonte Pratt          9 Chattanooga Central        ND    NWI  1      
scr Dillon Taylor          9 Collegedale Academy        ND    NWI  1      
scr Corey Cooper           9 East Ridge High Scho       ND    NWI  1      
scr Ronto Tipton           9 South Pittsburg High       ND    NWI  1      
scr Allan Robinson        10 Brainerd High School       ND    NWI  2      
scr Javarius Wright       10 Chattanooga Central        ND    NWI  2      
scr Justin Moore          10 Collegedale Academy        ND    NWI  2      
scr Kirron Kirk            9 East Ridge High Scho       ND    NWI  2      
scr Luke McArthur          9 Grace Baptist Academ       ND    NWI  2      
scr Marko Dozier          10 McCallie School            ND    NWI  3      
 nd Deangelo Hardy         9 McCallie School            ND    NWI  3      
scr Cole Seely            11 Red Bank High School       ND    NWI  3      

                       Varsity Girls Triple Jump                       
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark  Wind   Pts
  1 Lamiah Walker          8 Chatt. School for th 31-00.50    NWI    10
scr Alicia Howard         11 Chatt. School for th       ND    NWI      

                       Varsity Boys Triple Jump                        
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark  Wind   Pts
  1 Hakim McMorris        12 McCallie School      41-11.00    NWI    10
  2 Tyrese Starling       12 Tyner Academy        37-00.00    NWI     8
  3 Eric Johnson           9 Howard School of Aca 36-09.75    NWI     6
  4 Aaron Bastian         11 McCallie School      36-03.75    NWI     5
  5 Adams Robinson        11 McCallie School      36-03.00    NWI     4
scr Benjamin Moore        12 Chattanooga Christia 35-07.25    NWI      
  6 Ryan Farlett          12 Chattanooga Christia 35-06.50    NWI     3
  7 Jack Stimart          12 Chattanooga Christia 35-06.25    NWI     2
  8 Devaontay Smith       11 Howard School of Aca 33-01.50    NWI     1
  9 Jaylyn Hubbard         9 South Pittsburg High 30-08.25    NWI      
 10 William Martin        10 South Pittsburg High 30-06.00    NWI      
scr Jachorri Ray          10 Chattanooga Central        ND    NWI      
scr Chad Nash             12 Collegedale Academy        ND    NWI      
scr Charles Smith         12 Tyner Academy              ND    NWI      

              Varsity Girls 4x800 Meter Relay               
    Team                                          Time   Pts
  1 Girls Preparatory School A               10:44.26     10
  2 Boyd Buchanan High School A              12:37.01      8
  3 Chattanooga Christian School A           12:45.73      6
  4 Red Bank High School A                   12:55.89      5
  5 Chatt. School for the Arts & Sciences A  13:05.95      4

               Varsity Boys 4x800 Meter Relay               
    Team                                          Time   Pts
  1 Chattanooga Central High School A         9:34.70     10
  2 Chatt. School for the Arts & Sciences A  10:34.97      8
  3 Red Bank High School A                   11:11.84      6

                     Varsity Girls 100 Meter Hurdles                      
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time  Wind H#   Pts
  1 Lennex Walker         12 Chatt. School for th    14.54    NWI  2    10
  2 Jayla Stone           12 East Ridge High Scho    16.98    NWI  2     8
  3 Emily Morrison        10 Girls Preparatory Sc    17.57    NWI  2     6
  4 Nicola van der Merwe   8 Girls Preparatory Sc    18.09    NWI  2     5
  5 DeAsia Wright         12 Tyner Academy           19.01    NWI  2     4
  6 Marquita Chubb        11 Chatt. School for th    21.57    NWI  1     3
  7 Lanaja Bowens          9 Red Bank High School    21.82    NWI  1     2
  8 Jasmine Mosley        10 Chattanooga Central     22.51    NWI  1     1

                      Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles                      
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time  Wind H#   Pts
  1 Brevin Sims            9 Chatt. School for th    14.89    NWI  2    10
  2 Adams Robinson        11 McCallie School         16.48    NWI  1     8
  3 Joshua Smith          11 McCallie School         16.69    NWI  2     6
  4 Aaron Bastian         11 McCallie School         17.75    NWI  2     5
  5 Darian Smith          11 East Ridge High Scho    18.10    NWI  2     4
  6 Cole Seely            11 Red Bank High School    19.11    NWI  1     3
  7 Terran Bell            9 East Ridge High Scho    21.26    NWI  1     2

                       Varsity Girls 100 Meter Dash                       
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time  Wind H#   Pts
  1 Alexis Wilson         12 Tyner Academy           12.45    NWI  5    10
  2 Kimbra Dunning        10 Red Bank High School    12.53    NWI  5     8
  3 Char'Neice Clark      12 Chattanooga Central     13.07    NWI  5     6
  4 Kenisha Price         12 Brainerd High School    13.60    NWI  5     5
  5 Auliya Phelps         10 Chattanooga Central     13.63    NWI  5     4
  6 Jamisha Dunigan       11 Girls Preparatory Sc    13.63    NWI  4     3
  7 Jayla ArRahmaan       11 Red Bank High School    13.74    NWI  4     2
  8 Catilyn Sydnor         9 Tyner Academy           14.00    NWI  4     1
  9 Kymberly C.           11 Howard School of Aca    14.01    NWI  4      
 10 Lydia Reed            12 CSTHEA Patriots High    14.12    NWI  4      
 11 Kindall Espy          10 Tyner Academy           14.15    NWI  5      
 12 Lexi Armour            9 Red Bank High School    14.18    NWI  4      
 13 Jenna Woodall          9 South Pittsburg High    14.39    NWI  3      
 14 Latori Hawkins         9 Howard School of Aca    14.47    NWI  3      
 15 Olivia Walker          9 Chattanooga Christia    14.53    NWI  3      
 16 Jayla Meadows         10 Boyd Buchanan High S    14.75    NWI  4      
 17 Ellie Montgomery       9 Chattanooga Christia    14.86    NWI  3      
 18 Nena Spurgeon          9 South Pittsburg High    15.02    NWI  2      
 19 Laurel Sneller        10 Chattanooga Christia    15.12    NWI  3      
 20 Jacoreya Young        10 Howard School of Aca    15.16    NWI  2      
 21 Alivia Smith          10 Chattanooga Central     15.18    NWI  2      
 22 Denisha Denis          9 East Ridge High Scho    15.29    NWI  1      
 23 Kayla Mattox           9 CSTHEA Patriots High    15.36    NWI  3      
 24 Kiana Mines           12 Chatt. School for th    15.43    NWI  1      
 25 Kyli Erwin            11 Girls Preparatory Sc    15.66    NWI  2      
 26 Courtney Widdows      10 Boyd Buchanan High S    15.98    NWI  2      
 27 Alexis Hrinik          9 CSTHEA Patriots High    16.18    NWI  2      
 28 Kayla Dong             9 South Pittsburg High    16.59    NWI  1      

                       Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash                        
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time  Wind H#   Pts
  1 Kedrick Wilbanks      12 Red Bank High School    11.00    NWI  5    10
  2 Traneil Moore         12 East Ridge High Scho    11.31    NWI  5     8
  3 Devon Waight          12 Tyner Academy           11.41    NWI  5     6
  4 Michael McGhee        10 Chattanooga Central     11.51    NWI  5     5
  5 DeShawn Ridley        10 Howard School of Aca    11.69    NWI  1     4
  6 Shannon Walker        10 McCallie School         11.87    NWI  4     3
  7 Joshua Owens          12 Brainerd High School    11.89    NWI  4     2
  8 Curtavian Whisnant     9 South Pittsburg High    11.93    NWI  3     1
  9 Kevon Weaver          10 Red Bank High School    11.96    NWI  1      
 10 Jerome Stoudamire     11 Tyner Academy           11.97    NWI  5      
 11 Bj Church             12 East Ridge High Scho    12.01    NWI  5      
 12 Josiah High           11 Chatt. School for th    12.02    NWI  4      
 13 Tucker Kelley          9 South Pittsburg High    12.08    NWI  4      
 14 Jack Murphy           11 McCallie School         12.13    NWI  4      
 15 Jaylan Pinkerton      11 Brainerd High School    12.22    NWI  1      
 16 Jymon Scott           11 Chatt. School for th    12.24    NWI  2      
 17 John Talley            9 East Ridge High Scho    12.31    NWI  5      
 18 Calvin Johnson        12 Howard School of Aca    12.36    NWI  1      
 19 Deangelo Hardy         9 McCallie School         12.43    NWI  4      
 20 Issac Frye            11 Chatt. School for th    12.52    NWI  3      
 21 Delwin Gustus          9 Red Bank High School    12.59    NWI  3      
 22 Marcus Preston        12 Tyner Academy           12.60    NWI  4      
 23 Allan Robinson        10 Brainerd High School    12.62    NWI  3      
 24 Josh Willing           9 Chattanooga Christia    12.95    NWI  3      
 25 Nicholas Moran        12 CSTHEA Patriots High    13.35    NWI  3      
 26 Ronto Tipton           9 South Pittsburg High    13.38    NWI  2      
 27 Ben Burroughs          9 CSTHEA Patriots High    13.51    NWI  2      
 28 Evan Mowery           10 Grace Baptist Academ    16.28    NWI  2      

                Varsity Girls 4x200 Meter Relay                
    Team                                          Time H#   Pts
  1 Chattanooga Christian School A            1:49.62   2    10
  2 East Ridge High School A                  1:53.31   2     8
  3 Brainerd High School A                    1:53.52   2     6
  4 Girls Preparatory School A                1:55.67   1     5
 dq Chattanooga Central High School A         1:58.16   2      
  5 Chattanooga Central High School B         2:08.27   1     4
  6 Howard School of Academics & Tech. A      2:09.31   1     3
  7 Chatt. School for the Arts & Sciences A   2:09.63   1     2

                Varsity Boys 4x200 Meter Relay                 
    Team                                          Time H#   Pts
  1 East Ridge High School A                  1:34.72   2    10
  2 Brainerd High School A                    1:34.92   2     8
  3 Chattanooga Central High School A         1:36.60   2     6
  4 McCallie School A                         1:36.80   2     5
  5 Howard School of Academics & Tech. A      1:37.99   2     4
  6 Howard School of Academics & Tech. B      1:39.24   1      
  7 Brainerd High School B                    1:43.30   1      
  8 Chattanooga Christian School A            1:43.72   2     3
  9 Chattanooga Central High School B         1:44.37   1      
 10 Red Bank High School A                    1:44.78   1     2
 11 Chatt. School for the Arts & Sciences A   1:55.98   1     1

                  Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run                   
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Carley Braman         11 Girls Preparatory Sc  5:31.31     10
  2 Kate McVay            12 Girls Preparatory Sc  5:31.63      8
  3 Kathryn Vradenburgh   11 CSTHEA Patriots High  5:38.63      6
  4 Kay Vradenburgh       12 CSTHEA Patriots High  6:02.06      5
  5 Katie Dorris          12 Chattanooga Central   6:09.52      4
  6 Katelin Anderson       9 Boyd Buchanan High S  6:17.49      3
  7 Lillie Cate           10 Chattanooga Christia  6:19.92      2
  8 Lucy Sandhoff         10 Chattanooga Christia  6:26.49      1
  9 Ella Ensign            9 Girls Preparatory Sc  6:54.70       
 10 Ellie Shelton         11 Chatt. School for th  7:10.38       
 11 KiAna Queener         11 Chatt. School for th  7:19.89       
 12 ahnna skelly          12 Red Bank High School  7:21.92       
 13 Megan Golden           9 Boyd Buchanan High S  7:23.45       
 14 Li Li Hatch            9 Chatt. School for th  7:33.33       
 15 Emily McCutcheon       9 Boyd Buchanan High S  8:09.09       

                    Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run                     
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time H#   Pts
  1 Chase Faudi            9 CSTHEA Patriots High  4:48.24   2    10
  2 Jonathan Boyd         11 CSTHEA Patriots High  4:48.74   2     8
  3 Matthew Broussard     12 Chattanooga Christia  4:57.41   2     6
  4 Duke Richey            9 McCallie School       4:59.89   2     5
  5 Dawson Carmack        10 McCallie School       5:05.93   2     4
  6 Alberto Domingez      11 Chattanooga Central   5:08.90   2     3
  7 Kaigen Mulkey          9 Chattanooga Central   5:10.85   2     2
  8 Joshua Richardson     10 Chattanooga Christia  5:22.44   1     1
  9 Brown Hayes            9 McCallie School       5:22.65   2      
 10 Daniel Kuhlman         9 Collegedale Academy   5:23.40   1      
 11 Nolan Floyd           11 Boyd Buchanan High S  5:31.04   2      
 12 Seth Drey             12 South Pittsburg High  5:31.18   1      
 13 Chase Manton           9 Chattanooga Christia  5:34.61   1      
 14 Matthew Moore         10 Red Bank High School  5:38.98   1      
 15 Eric Carson           10 Chattanooga Central   5:41.07   1      
 16 Thomas Wilkie         11 CSTHEA Patriots High  5:42.20   2      
 17 Ian Brown             11 Boyd Buchanan High S  5:48.60   2      
 18 Chris Rice             9 Red Bank High School  5:49.81   1      
 19 Aiden Parks           11 Chatt. School for th  6:54.67   1      

                Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay                
    Team                                          Time H#   Pts
  1 Red Bank High School A                      51.14   2    10
  2 Chattanooga Central High School A           52.56   1     8
  3 Chattanooga Christian School A              53.71   2     6
  4 East Ridge High School A                    54.23   2     5
  5 Brainerd High School A                      54.62   2     4
  6 Girls Preparatory School A                  56.77   1     3
  7 Chattanooga Central High School B           58.95   2      
  8 Chatt. School for the Arts & Sciences A   1:00.59   1     2

                Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay                 
    Team                                          Time H#   Pts
  1 McCallie School A                           44.48   2    10
  2 Red Bank High School A                      44.83   2     8
  3 Tyner Academy A                             46.10   1     6
  4 East Ridge High School A                    46.56   2     5
  5 Howard School of Academics & Tech. B        46.75   1     4
  6 South Pittsburg High School A               47.26   2     3
  7 East Ridge High School B                    47.99   1      
  8 Brainerd High School A                      48.11   2     2
  9 Chatt. School for the Arts & Sciences A     50.36   1     1
 10 Brainerd High School B                      50.39   1      
 11 Chattanooga Christian School A              58.73   1      
    East Ridge High School                         NT   1      

                    Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash                    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time H#   Pts
  1 Alayah Dozier          9 Chatt. School for th  1:02.27   4    10
  2 Jada Hale             12 Boyd Buchanan High S  1:04.19   4     8
  3 Scottie Sandlin       12 Girls Preparatory Sc  1:04.46   4     6
  4 Savannah Fruth        10 CSTHEA Patriots High  1:05.68   4     5
  5 Tyra Bell              9 Brainerd High School  1:09.57   2     4
  6 Malika Reviere        12 Tyner Academy         1:09.93   2     3
  7 Jayla Meadows         10 Boyd Buchanan High S  1:09.99   3     2
  8 Nena Spurgeon          9 South Pittsburg High  1:12.06   3     1
  9 Laneisha Toney        11 East Ridge High Scho  1:12.15   4      
 10 Laurel Sneller        10 Chattanooga Christia  1:13.23   3      
 11 Kiana Mines           12 Chatt. School for th  1:13.81   3      
 12 Imani Rowe             9 Howard School of Aca  1:14.75   2      
 13 Matilda Green          9 Chattanooga Christia  1:15.08   3      
 14 Bri'Shonda Robinson   12 Brainerd High School  1:15.91   4      
 15 Ana Roach             10 CSTHEA Patriots High  1:16.47   3      
 16 Jayla Simpson          9 Chattanooga Central   1:16.47   1      
 17 Kayla Mattox           9 CSTHEA Patriots High  1:16.64   3      
 18 Tamarie Matthews      10 Tyner Academy         1:23.08   1      
 19 Latricia Hood         11 Howard School of Aca  1:24.76   2      

                    Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash                     
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time H#   Pts
  1 Hollis Edwards        11 Chatt. School for th    53.25   4    10
  2 Chance Henderson      12 Red Bank High School    54.21   4     8
  3 Jared Eddy            12 Chattanooga Central     54.93   4     6
  4 Jackson Gilliland      9 McCallie School         55.03   2     5
  5 Will Saborin          11 Chattanooga Christia    55.70   4     4
  6 Eric Johnson           9 Howard School of Aca    57.70   3     3
  7 Kashai Hemphill       10 Tyner Academy           57.72   3     2
  8 Jordan Perkins         9 Chattanooga Christia    57.81   4     1
  9 Willard Duckett       11 Tyner Academy           58.09   3      
 10 Deaunta Moton         10 East Ridge High Scho    58.64   2      
 11 Lloyd Pinheiro         9 East Ridge High Scho    58.65   3      
 12 Seth Keylon            9 McCallie School         58.67   2      
 13 Raif Gork             10 McCallie School         59.37   4      
 14 JaVonte Pratt          9 Chattanooga Central   1:01.31   2      
 15 Eli Moran              9 CSTHEA Patriots High  1:01.90   2      
 16 Marcus Preston        12 Tyner Academy         1:04.19   3      
 17 William Martin        10 South Pittsburg High  1:04.22   2      
 18 Scotty Worely         10 South Pittsburg High  1:05.84   1      
 19 Nicholas Moran        12 CSTHEA Patriots High  1:06.41   2      
 20 Jaylon Bowman         11 Chatt. School for th  1:07.62   1      
 21 Thomas Wilkie         11 CSTHEA Patriots High  1:09.54   1      
 22 Devonte McNabb        11 Howard School of Aca  1:12.37   3      
 23 Akeem Brummit         11 Brainerd High School  1:12.54   4      
 24 Zach Smith             9 South Pittsburg High  1:15.24   1      

                  Varsity Girls 300 Meter Hurdles                   
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time H#   Pts
  1 Murfee Jones          11 Girls Preparatory Sc    48.88   2    10
  2 Serena Smith          12 East Ridge High Scho    50.91   2     8
  3 Emily Morrison        10 Girls Preparatory Sc    52.56   2     6
  4 Lamiah Walker          8 Chatt. School for th    54.34   1     5
  5 Bri'Shonda Robinson   12 Brainerd High School    57.11   2     4
  6 Nicola van der Merwe   8 Girls Preparatory Sc    58.56   2     3
  7 Marquita Chubb        11 Chatt. School for th  1:11.94   1     2

                   Varsity Boys 300 Meter Hurdles                   
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time H#   Pts
  1 Hakim McMorris        12 McCallie School         39.97   2    10
  2 Brevin Sims            9 Chatt. School for th    40.79   2     8
  3 Adams Robinson        11 McCallie School         42.32   2     6
  4 DeAndre Anderson      12 Chattanooga Central     43.77   2     5
  5 Joshua Smith          11 McCallie School         43.89   2     4
  6 Darian Smith          11 East Ridge High Scho    48.46   1     3
  7 Cole Seely            11 Red Bank High School    50.92   2     2
  8 Miles Nealy           11 Chattanooga Central     51.95   1     1
  9 Benjamin Moore        12 Chattanooga Christia    59.00   1      

                    Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run                     
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time H#   Pts
  1 Kathryn Vradenburgh   11 CSTHEA Patriots High  2:32.73   2    10
  2 Rebecca Torrence      12 Girls Preparatory Sc  2:37.65   2     8
  3 Myra Brock            10 Girls Preparatory Sc  2:38.86   2     6
  4 Tori Tomokane         12 Girls Preparatory Sc  2:41.78   2     5
  5 Kay Vradenburgh       12 CSTHEA Patriots High  2:43.82   2     4
  6 Katie Dorris          12 Chattanooga Central   2:49.73   1     3
  7 Lucy Sandhoff         10 Chattanooga Christia  2:53.67   2     2
  8 Jada Hale             12 Boyd Buchanan High S  2:57.28   2     1
  9 Clarissa Oliva        11 Red Bank High School  3:02.42   2      
 10 Stephanie Goette       9 Chattanooga Christia  3:04.90   2      
 11 Imani Rowe             9 Howard School of Aca  3:07.97   1      
 12 Genesis Stevens       11 Red Bank High School  3:22.35   1      
 13 Tamarie Matthews      10 Tyner Academy         3:22.70   1      
 14 Rykiedra Finley       11 Brainerd High School  4:33.17   1      

                     Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run                     
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time H#   Pts
  1 Cole Bullock          10 Red Bank High School  2:05.30   2    10
  2 Jonathan Boyd         11 CSTHEA Patriots High  2:08.34   2     8
  3 Zachary Faudi         11 CSTHEA Patriots High  2:12.61   2     6
  4 Chase Faudi            9 CSTHEA Patriots High  2:13.35   2     5
  5 Dylan Zeller           9 McCallie School       2:13.42   2     4
  6 Christian Fallins     10 Chattanooga Christia  2:20.19   2     3
  7 Samuel Ligon           9 McCallie School       2:21.61   2     2
  8 Nolan Floyd           11 Boyd Buchanan High S  2:22.44   2     1
  9 Garrett Howe          12 Collegedale Academy   2:25.05   1      
 10 Alex Hundley          12 Chattanooga Christia  2:31.49   1      
 11 Mack Alas              9 Chatt. School for th  2:32.31   1      
 12 Donelle Smith         10 Howard School of Aca  2:33.64   1      
 13 Daniel Kuhlman         9 Collegedale Academy   2:34.70   1      
 14 Chase Manton           9 Chattanooga Christia  2:36.41   1      
 15 John Arrowsmith        9 McCallie School       2:44.15   2      

                       Varsity Girls 200 Meter Dash                       
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time  Wind H#   Pts
  1 Lennex Walker         12 Chatt. School for th    25.89    NWI  4    10
  2 Olivia Hoffman        11 Chattanooga Christia    26.44    NWI  4     8
  3 Laura Beth Turner      9 Chattanooga Christia    27.51    NWI  4     6
  4 Alexis Wilson         12 Tyner Academy           27.70    NWI  4     5
  5 Aubree Traylor         9 Chattanooga Central     27.71    NWI  4     4
  6 KeVeanna Gaither      11 Red Bank High School    27.78    NWI  3     3
  7 Jamisha Dunigan       11 Girls Preparatory Sc    28.42    NWI  2     2
  8 Lydia Reed            12 CSTHEA Patriots High    29.01    NWI  3     1
  9 Savannah Fruth        10 CSTHEA Patriots High    29.26    NWI  2      
 10 Catilyn Sydnor         9 Tyner Academy           29.51    NWI  3      
 11 Lamiah Walker          8 Chatt. School for th    29.85    NWI  1      
 12 DeShayla Wiley        11 Red Bank High School    29.86    NWI  4      
 13 Char'Neice Clark      12 Chattanooga Central     30.03    NWI  3      
 14 Kymberly C.           11 Howard School of Aca    30.29    NWI  3      
 15 Monique Baker         11 East Ridge High Scho    30.77    NWI  1      
 16 Jayla Meadows         10 Boyd Buchanan High S    31.53    NWI  2      
 17 Alexis Hrinik          9 CSTHEA Patriots High    34.41    NWI  2      
 18 Courtney Widdows      10 Boyd Buchanan High S    34.79    NWI  2      
 19 Jacoreya Young        10 Howard School of Aca    34.96    NWI  1      
 20 Jayla Simpson          9 Chattanooga Central     35.57    NWI  1      
 21 Amber Anderson        11 Red Bank High School    38.23    NWI  2      

                       Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash                        
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time  Wind H#   Pts
  1 Devin Duncan          11 Red Bank High School    23.36    NWI  2    10
  2 Devon Waight          12 Tyner Academy           23.70    NWI  5     8
  3 Micah Coleman         10 Howard School of Aca    23.74    NWI  5     6
  4 Ryan Farlett          12 Chattanooga Christia    23.79    NWI  5     5
  5 Hollis Edwards        11 Chatt. School for th    24.24    NWI  2     4
  6 LeDarrius Mason        9 McCallie School         24.33    NWI  3     3
  7 Curtavian Whisnant     9 South Pittsburg High    24.54    NWI  4     2
  8 Jerome Stoudamire     11 Tyner Academy           24.85    NWI  5     1
  9 Tucker Kelley          9 South Pittsburg High    25.02    NWI  3      
 10 Benjamin Moore        12 Chattanooga Christia    25.06    NWI  4      
 11 Kahlil Ager           11 East Ridge High Scho    25.12    NWI  5      
 12 joseph Norwood        11 Brainerd High School    25.36    NWI  1      
 13 Carson Loyal          12 Chattanooga Christia    25.42    NWI  4      
 14 Nate Doss             10 Red Bank High School    25.82    NWI  4      
 15 Corey Cooper           9 East Ridge High Scho    26.21    NWI  3      
 16 Egertis Butchee       11 Brainerd High School    26.82    NWI  1      
 17 Kyn Doss               9 Red Bank High School    27.03    NWI  3      
 18 Ben Burroughs          9 CSTHEA Patriots High    27.16    NWI  3      
 19 Jymon Scott           11 Chatt. School for th    27.27    NWI  4      
 20 Devonte McNabb        11 Howard School of Aca    27.89    NWI  5      
 21 Eli Moran              9 CSTHEA Patriots High    27.99    NWI  2      
 22 Jackson Gilliland      9 McCallie School         28.20    NWI  3      
 23 Jacob Yu              12 Boyd Buchanan High S    29.83    NWI  2      
 24 Peter Tomlinson        9 McCallie School         31.66    NWI  2      
 25 Evan Mowery           10 Grace Baptist Academ    35.29    NWI  2      

                  Varsity Girls 3200 Meter Run                   
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Carley Braman         11 Girls Preparatory Sc 12:09.02     10
  2 Kate McVay            12 Girls Preparatory Sc 12:11.21      8
  3 Mary Margaret Arrowsm 11 Girls Preparatory Sc 12:50.02      6
  4 Ellie Shelton         11 Chatt. School for th 15:22.24      5
  5 Anvitha Kosaraju      11 Chatt. School for th 15:51.88      4

                   Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run                   
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Cole Bullock          10 Red Bank High School 10:43.37     10
  2 Matthew Broussard     12 Chattanooga Christia 10:56.24      8
  3 Matthew Adams         10 Chattanooga Christia 11:11.44      6
  4 Reece Wearing          9 McCallie School      12:13.93      5
  5 Eric Carson           10 Chattanooga Central  12:48.19      4

                Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter Relay                
    Team                                          Time H#   Pts
  1 Chattanooga Christian School A            4:14.87   2    10
  2 Brainerd High School A                    4:24.58   2     8
  3 Girls Preparatory School A                4:25.11   2     6
  4 CSTHEA Patriots High School A             4:35.93   1     5
  5 Red Bank High School A                    4:57.48   1     4
  6 Chattanooga Central High School A         5:00.03   2     3

                Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay                 
    Team                                          Time H#   Pts
  1 McCallie School A                         3:40.42   2    10
  2 Brainerd High School A                    3:41.94   1     8
  3 Chattanooga Central High School A         3:47.44   2     6
  4 Red Bank High School A                    3:52.77   2     5
  5 Howard School of Academics & Tech. A      3:54.67   1     4
  6 Chattanooga Christian School A            4:00.35   2     3
  7 CSTHEA Patriots High School A             4:01.45   1     2
  8 Chatt. School for the Arts & Sciences A   4:09.67   1     1
  9 Chattanooga Central High School B         4:14.34   2      
 10 Howard School of Academics & Tech. B      4:26.92   2      

         Varsity Girls Team Scores (18 Events Scored)          
    Team                        Pts    Spr  Dst  Hrd  Rel  Thr  Jmp  Oth 
  1 Girls Preparatory School    172    11   61   30   24   12   34    0  
  2 Chatt. School for the Art   89     20    9   20    8    5   27    0  
  3 Chattanooga Christian Sch   79     14    5    0   32    3   25    0  
  4 Red Bank High School        61     13    0    2   19    6   21    0  
  5 Chattanooga Central High    56     14    7    1   15   19    0    0  
  6 East Ridge High School      50      0    0   16   13   15    6    0  
  7 Brainerd High School        42      9    0    4   18    8    3    0  
  8 CSTHEA Patriots High Scho   36      6   25    0    5    0    0    0  
  9 Boyd Buchanan High School   32     10    4    0    8   10    0    0  
 10 Tyner Academy               23     19    0    4    0    0    0    0  
 11 Howard School of Academic    3      0    0    0    3    0    0    0  
 12 South Pittsburg High Scho    1      1    0    0    0    0    0    0  

          Varsity Boys Team Scores (18 Events Scored)          
    Team                        Pts    Spr  Dst  Hrd  Rel  Thr  Jmp  Oth 
  1 McCallie School             170    11   20   39   25   31   44    0  
  2 Red Bank High School       100.5   28   20    5   21    0  26.5   0  
  3 Chattanooga Christian Sch   79     10   24    0    6   20   19    0  
  4 Chattanooga Central High    58     11    9    6   22   10    0    0  
  5 Chatt. School for the Art  50.5    14    0   18   11    2   5.5   0  
  6 Tyner Academy               49     17    0    0    6    0   26    0  
  7 Howard School of Academic   43     13    0    0   12   11    7    0  
  8 Brainerd High School        39      2    0    0   18    4   15    0  
  8 CSTHEA Patriots High Scho   39      0   37    0    2    0    0    0  
 10 East Ridge High School      32      8    0    9   15    0    0    0  
 11 Collegedale Academy         11      0    0    0    0    0   11    0  
 12 South Pittsburg High Scho    6      3    0    0    3    0    0    0  
 13 Boyd Buchanan High School    1      0    1    0    0    0    0    0