Meet Information
DATE: Sunday February 1, 2015
LOCATION: Tennessee State University STARTING TIME: 8:00am, Mile Run, Field Events
10:30am running events MEET DIRECTOR: Chandra Cheeseborough
COMPETITION: Each school may enter up to three athletes per event. Club athletes and unattached athletes are welcome. Awards will be given to the top three finishers in each event. Long Jump and Triple Jump may enter only two athletes per event.
ENTRY FEE: $300 per gender $40 per individual athlete.
All unattached athlete must pay online and all fees or non-refundable
DESCRIPTION OF COURSE: See enclosed information. ELEMENTS: 14 inch elements are required
DRESSING FACILITIES: Available at Gentry Complex
TRAINERS: Trainers will be available at the track meet from 6:00am through the duration of the meet if a team desires training room facilities please call
Sonja Askew (615-963-7769)
AWARDS: Awards will be presented approximately 20 minutes after the conclusion of each event to the top (3) collegiate finishers.
PACKETS: Packets will be available Sunday 1, 2015 the Gentry Complex
QUESTIONS: Chandra Cheeseborough (615)963-5906, (615) 294-0051 REGISTRATION: Online at
ENTRY DEADLINE: Entries must be received via online at by Tuesday- January 27, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. CST
HOTEL INFORMATION: Holiday INN & Express 615-353-0700 TONY MULLINS
LOCATION: Tennessee State University STARTING TIME: 8:00am, Mile Run, Field Events
10:30am running events MEET DIRECTOR: Chandra Cheeseborough
COMPETITION: Each school may enter up to three athletes per event. Club athletes and unattached athletes are welcome. Awards will be given to the top three finishers in each event. Long Jump and Triple Jump may enter only two athletes per event.
ENTRY FEE: $300 per gender $40 per individual athlete.
All unattached athlete must pay online and all fees or non-refundable
DESCRIPTION OF COURSE: See enclosed information. ELEMENTS: 14 inch elements are required
DRESSING FACILITIES: Available at Gentry Complex
TRAINERS: Trainers will be available at the track meet from 6:00am through the duration of the meet if a team desires training room facilities please call
Sonja Askew (615-963-7769)
AWARDS: Awards will be presented approximately 20 minutes after the conclusion of each event to the top (3) collegiate finishers.
PACKETS: Packets will be available Sunday 1, 2015 the Gentry Complex
QUESTIONS: Chandra Cheeseborough (615)963-5906, (615) 294-0051 REGISTRATION: Online at
ENTRY DEADLINE: Entries must be received via online at by Tuesday- January 27, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. CST
HOTEL INFORMATION: Holiday INN & Express 615-353-0700 TONY MULLINS