Meet Information

Items for the track meet tomorrow.

1. Games Committee: Jeff Chastain, LaMont Vaugh, Eddie Lambert, Jerry Cotter

TSSAA Official: Doug Dennett

Starter: Jason McKinney

2. Measure all 3 throws/jumps. If tie in High Jump or Pole Vault Conduct a Jump Off.

3. Assignments

Boys LJ/TJ Brainerd/Tyner Bradley Central/South Pittsburg

Girls LJ /TJ Ooltewah/Central McMinn/Red Bank

High Jump CSAS/Red Bank/Howard

Pole Vault Rhea County/Cumberland County/Red Bank/McCallie

Shot Put: EastRidge/Signal Mountain/McCallie

Discus: Hixson/Notre Dame

Exchange Zones

4x100 Zone 1 Central, Zone, Brainerd 2 Red Bank, McCallie Zone 3 Soddy Daisy, Bradley Central

4x 200 Zone 1 and 3 Signal Mountain, Tyner, Zone 2 Howard, CSAS

4x400 South Pitt, Ooltewah

Turn 3 break for distance and 4x400 Rhea County

Event Schedule (Running events Girls first followed by Boys)

2:30 Boys Pole Vault followed immediatley by girls Pole Vault

3:45 coaches meeting/any last minute scrathes

4:00 Boys LJ, Girls LJ, Girls Discus, Boys SP, Boys Hj

4:40 Boys TJ, Girls TJ, Boys Discus, Girls SP, Girls Hj

4:30 3200m **

5:15 100m/110mHurdles

5:30 4x100

5:40 4x800

6:05 100m

6:20 1600m

6:35 4x200

6:45 400m

6:55 300m Hurdles

7:05 800m

7:20 200m

7:30 4x400

Note:**I could not find a way to break the 100m tie for entries so we will have two heats of Boys 100m dash. I hope all understand there were about 5 boys with 11.34.

No Cost

Coaches this will be an online entry verified by Milesplit data. No coaches meeting until day of meet. Only two entrants per school will be accepted into the race/event. Top 8 compete in events. 1-3 place medals, 4-8 place ribbons.

Field events start at 4:00PM and running events at 5:00PM.
NOTE Pole vault will start at 2:30PM with girls followed by boys.

There is no cost to this meet.

We will post top 10 in each event as we get closer but ONLY 1-8 will compete 9 & 10 will be alternates only.

Questions email

Registration help:
Note that these instructions are on the US Portal and you will have to return to your state site to actually find your team and enter the meet.