One Final Run

By last week, I think most of us had mentally prepared ourselves with the reality that the remainder of the scholastic track and field season would be cancelled. On Wednesday April 15th, it became official. There are no words.

However, as we transition from bargaining and denial to the acceptance phase of our grief, if you're a coach, Sullivan Easts' Head Coach Ryan Williamson has a challenge for you. I'll let him explain as WCYB-Bristol reports:

I'm not crying... you're crying.

If there is one thing that we as a network can encourage being "community spread" during this time, it's this. For some it may be short sprint, for others it may be a final throw. If you decide to accept Coach Williamson's challenge, tag us on twitter with your videos so we can highlight your senior's #OneFinalRun, #OneFinalThrow, or #OneFinalJump.

Note: Please practice safe social distancing as recommended by your county's ordinances when filming these videos. Thank you.