Boys D-II AA Performance List

If a coach has a substitution to make from their region meet entry roster -- they should email

Licensed to AllTrax Timing - Contractor License           HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                  2016 TSSAA State Cross Country Championship                  
                     Percy Warner Park Steeplechase Course                     
                    Nashville, TN  - 11/5/2016 to 11/8/2016                    
                               Performance List                                
Event 6  Boys 5k Run CC D-II AA (98) Finals
     Name                        Year School                                
Baylor School
  1  Collette, Jackson             10 Baylor School               
  2  Curran, Patrick               12 Baylor School               
  3  Gartman, Silas                09 Baylor School               
  4  Iorio, Talus                  12 Baylor School               
  5  Johnson, Grant                09 Baylor School               
  6  MacMillan, Sam                09 Baylor School               
  7  Mook, Atherton                10 Baylor School               
  8  Post, James                   11 Baylor School               
Brentwood Academy
  1  Cheeseman, Carter             10 Brentwood Acadmy            
  2  Elwood, Sam                   12 Brentwood Acadmy            
  3  Gregory, Jackson              11 Brentwood Acadmy            
  4  Gregory, Jacob                11 Brentwood Acadmy            
  5  Holliday, Davis               11 Brentwood Acadmy            
  6  Lunn, Eddie                   10 Brentwood Acadmy            
  7  McMillan, Matthew             10 Brentwood Acadmy            
  8  Payne, George                 10 Brentwood Acadmy            
  9  Peat, Austin                  12 Brentwood Acadmy            
 10  Porter, Matthew               10 Brentwood Acadmy            
Briarcrest Christian School
  1  Basse, James                  12 Briarcrest Chrst            
  2  Bast, Christian               12 Briarcrest Chrst            
  3  Cheney, Nick                  12 Briarcrest Chrst            
  4  Contreras, Manny              12 Briarcrest Chrst            
  5  Hube, Tristan                 12 Briarcrest Chrst            
  6  Purkey, Jake                  10 Briarcrest Chrst            
  7  Riggs, Miller                 11 Briarcrest Chrst            
  8  Taylor, Will                  12 Briarcrest Chrst            
  9  Tiatia, Ian                   12 Briarcrest Chrst            
 10  Wade, Jacob                   11 Briarcrest Chrst            
Christian Brothers
  1  Brazil, Zach                  12 Christian Brothr            
  2  Campbell, Constatin           10 Christian Brothr            
  3  Edwards, Kyle                 12 Christian Brothr            
  4  Hammack, Zack                 11 Christian Brothr            
  5  Harkins, John                 12 Christian Brothr            
  6  Kiameh, Elie                  12 Christian Brothr            
  7  Roberts, Gabe                 10 Christian Brothr            
  8  Roberts, Matthew              12 Christian Brothr            
  9  Shallow, Thomas               11 Christian Brothr            
 10  Springer, Baker               10 Christian Brothr            
  1  Alsup, Owen                   11 Ensworth                    
  2  Bainebridge, Carter           10 Ensworth                    
  3  Galvez, Connor                12 Ensworth                    
  4  Lawrence, Donny               11 Ensworth                    
  5  Mccormick, Riley              09 Ensworth                    
  6  Mcdougall, Wylie              11 Ensworth                    
  7  Wallace, Disser               10 Ensworth                    
Father Ryan
  1  Boer, Ian                     10 Father Ryan                 
  2  Clunan, Jack                  12 Father Ryan                 
  3  Conricode, Jonathan           11 Father Ryan                 
  4  Deckbar, John                 11 Father Ryan                 
  5  Donnelly, Ethan               09 Father Ryan                 
  6  Hoots, Joe                    11 Father Ryan                 
  7  Jones, Sebastian              10 Father Ryan                 
  8  Killian, Paul                 09 Father Ryan                 
  9  Knapp, Ryan                   11 Father Ryan                 
 10  Robinson, Reed                11 Father Ryan                 
McCallie School
  1  Arrowsmith, George            12 McCallie School             
  2  Arrowsmith, John              09 McCallie School             
  3  Bizimana, Boniface            10 McCallie School             
  4  Carmack, Dawson               10 McCallie School             
  5  Duncan, Chris                 11 McCallie School             
  6  Hayes, Brown                  09 McCallie School             
  7  Ligon, Samuel                 09 McCallie School             
  8  Richey, Duke                  09 McCallie School             
  9  Wagoner, Nathan               10 McCallie School             
 10  Zeller, Dylan                 09 McCallie School             
Memphis University School
  1  Crews, George                 12 Memphis Univ.Sch            
  2  Duncan, Smith                 11 Memphis Univ.Sch            
  3  Freeman, Ben                  12 Memphis Univ.Sch            
  4  Gilliland, Charlie            12 Memphis Univ.Sch            
  5  Jacobs, Jeremy                11 Memphis Univ.Sch            
  6  McEwan, Hastings              11 Memphis Univ.Sch            
  7  Raves, Peter                  11 Memphis Univ.Sch            
  8  Warr, Alex                    09 Memphis Univ.Sch            
  9  Whittemore, McKee             09 Memphis Univ.Sch            
Montgomery Bell Academy
  1  Crawford, Will                09 Montgomery Bell             
  2  Ferguson, Alden               12 Montgomery Bell             
  3  Hyde, John                    09 Montgomery Bell             
  4  Peters, Tom                   12 Montgomery Bell             
  5  Peters, Will                  12 Montgomery Bell             
  6  Ragsdale, Collin              12 Montgomery Bell             
  7  Ragsdale, Graham              10 Montgomery Bell             
  8  Tarquine, Joseph              11 Montgomery Bell             
  9  Thornton, Cole                12 Montgomery Bell             
 10  Wills, Isaac                  11 Montgomery Bell             
Pope John Paul II
  1  Crump, Nick                   10 Pope J.Paul II              
  2  Davanport, Ethan              10 Pope J.Paul II              
  3  Kroeger, Luke                 09 Pope J.Paul II              
  4  Moran, Ryan                   10 Pope J.Paul II              
  5  Musacchio, Michael            12 Pope J.Paul II              
  6  Raybourne, Brian              10 Pope J.Paul II              
  7  Underhill, Nolan              11 Pope J.Paul II              
Saint Benedict at Auburndale
  1  Baker, Sam                    10 St.Ben-Auburndal            
  2  Coppedge, Jake                09 St.Ben-Auburndal            
  3  Dlabaj, Parker                10 St.Ben-Auburndal            
  4  Hobbs, Caleb                  10 St.Ben-Auburndal            
  5  Leoni, Jack                   10 St.Ben-Auburndal            
  6  Merrill, Joe                  11 St.Ben-Auburndal            
  7  Wynne, Ray                    09 St.Ben-Auburndal            

If a coach has a substitution to make from their region meet entry roster -- they should email